Saturday, September 19, 2015


I am Katelyn Schnepf, a sophomore studying at Brigham Young University- Idaho. I don't ever know exactly what to put on these types of things... but hopefully this is an acceptable blogger intro. I've never blogged before- so this is a bit new. However, I could not be more excited. I made this blog as an assignment for my Family Relations class, but don't get me wrong... I am also looking forward to it very much! I love the demographics behind the Family. I love looking at everyone's different views and hearing various stories on people's experiences with their families. It amazes me to take a step back, analyze the family structure, and learn all of the different dynamics that go into making a family, well, a family.

I will be posting weekly blog updates relating to personal experiences, as well as things we have been learning about in my Family Relations course. I'd love for everyone to subscribe & comment on these posts. We could get a pretty sweet discussion going, if ya know what I mean!

Thank you all!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that the quality of life enjoyed by any given society is directly related to the quality of the family units within that society.
