Saturday, October 17, 2015

Born That Way?

We've seen the growing trend of trying to change the gender roles we're given greatly increase in society today. In class this past week, we viewed a film about gender roles, including feminist's views on those roles. It was very intriguing, as well as almost quite aggravating to listen to women blurt out their opinions about how they don't feel they're being treated "fair" and "equal" as men today because they want to do the exact same things men are "allowed" to do. Now, I try not to be a rude person because I hate conflict. I avoid it at all costs, but I also do believe in the importance of being upfront and stating your opinion, because we're all entitled to our own opinions am I right? So... here's mine.

Many people struggle with same-sex attraction, it is a difficult thing many of us have to deal with. I greatly admire and applaud those who come out with these views in an attempt to discuss them and wish to overcome them. It is a very difficult matter that I personally cannot judge, and believe no one truly can except for our almighty God. It's a matter that is very touchy and sensitive, and thus I do not wish to go into parts of it too deeply, because that's not what I'm here for. I want to talk, however, about the importance in each of us having the divine, unique role which we were assigned before we came to this Earth. That role was whether we would individually take on the responsibility God gives us to be a man or a woman; son or daughter; father or mother in not only this life but into the eternities. 
We are not  assigned genders as a "mistake" or just a "coincidence."
I cannot even bear that belief just by seeing the light in a baby's eyes from the moment they are born. Each child has a unique sense of worth and individuality to each of them, there is no possible way that they aren't given that specific gender for many specific purposes. It just doesn't happen that way. Why? Because we are not accidents. We have been created for divine roles and responsibilities in this life, and have agreed to those roles and responsibilities before we came to Earth and took on bodies to go through mortality. We are spirit sons and daughters, divinely appointed by God. We are no "coincidences" or mistakes. Therefore, we cannot choose when we feel like being a man or a woman, because that decision is not ours. Rather, it is our decision to choose how well we will live up to our callings and plans God has specifically crafted for our lives! Why has he done this? Because he loves us, more than we will ever be able to comprehend in this life. 

Briefly tying this sort-of-tangent back into gay marriage, I think it's crucial to understand the specific roles we've been given as either a son or a daughter of God, so we can understand the importance and perfect plan of God of having a man and woman, with their natural differences, marry and rear up a family. It is these differences we see naturally come about in men and women that make the world go round... honestly. It is the differences in the way we think and see the world that allow each of us to grow off of the other, and to see the world in new light and perspectives so we can better ourselves. The solid fact is: men and women think different! They just do. It's in the chemical make up of their brains. This difference is what allows each of us to find true happiness in family life, those differences that when we work together to grow closer to one another and solve them, we are able to be happy. Truly happy, even joyful

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