Saturday, October 10, 2015

Decline of the Family

Fun fact: did you know that almost all of the research we see done on the family, is stemming from the United States? That's right... that country I (and possibly most of you) live in?
Scary fact: did you know that those trends published from the studies done, show an increase in pre-marital sex, couples participating in cohabitation... and many more factors discussed later... and a decrease in the stability of a traditional family?
Now, when I say traditional on this website, I'm referring to a family made up of a mother and a father... wife and husband... bound together by law, raising their family. No family is ever perfect, that I completely understand.
Because I attend a school under the direction of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, AKA mormons, I am also taught many factors that I do strongly believe go into this traditional family.
In class this past week, we read and studied The Family Proclamation . In a section of this Proclamation given to us through revelation by God, it states this:
"THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. "

With that being said, let's take a brief moment to look at the statistics and trends of marital and family relationships that are seen today. These were discussed in class, and I took brief notes on what was being taught.  Trends are as follows:
Pre-marital sex: increase
Delay of Marriage: increase (as compare to history)
        Average age of marrying today: women- 26, men- 28; within LDS culture: women-24, men-26
Living Alone: increase
Children out of wedlock: increase
Percentage of Mothers Employed: increase (understandably with today's economy)
Cohabitation: increase
Birth Rates: decrease
Average Household Size: decrease

Now, my goal of this blog post is not seem so pessimistic. However, facts are facts. The point I'm trying to get across with all of this information we've studied, is that the decline of the family is real. It is happening and we can't avoid it. Society and government is trying to shape something that should not be shaped by anyone but ourselves and God- working together to create a stable family under his guidance. As stated in the proclamation: "The Family is ordained of God." It is a divine institution that I believe can shape the quality of our lives. The way in which we live is determined by our intermediate circle of friends, acquaintances, and family around us.
It is not a subject that should by ANY means be taken lightly. It is our responsibility to protect the divine institution of the family, because if the family crumbles, society will undoubtedly crumble thereafter. Your choices in your family don't just affect you and those within that bond-- it affects society all around us and the choices that we allow our elected leaders to make.
There is hope! We must realize the potential we each have to create a stable home to live in. God has given us each this divine responsibility, and many opportunities and blessings lie in each of our homes! Opportunities to teach and learn. When we realize this, I believe it's then that we're able to realize the full potential and responsibilities we have as mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, and children. We can succeed in a world of falling morals, and our homes can be a place of safety in this world. However, it's up to us to determine the quality and value of our family, and thus not allow society to shape that view.

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