Monday, November 16, 2015

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

No matter how hard we may try to avoid it... the fact is that life is life. Oftentimes, we are faced with difficulties in life: deaths, hardships within families or friends, feelings of inadequacy overcome us, and the loss of a job... to name just a few. So, when I've been doing all the good I know to do- and am working hard to stay happy and be a good person- why, then, do bad things still happen in my life?
To put a spin on this of the way we believe to be true in the LDS church, I have a firm testimony of the refining opportunities the Lord gives each of us during these hard times. It is in the breaking down, and bringing us out of our comfort zone that we find we draw closer to him. When he makes us be humble, we meekly draw to him for help and guidance, because it's in these moments when we know we can't go through this life on our own.
In the concept of families, it almost works in the same manner. Families, believe it or not, actually grow stronger when they are faced with difficulties- IF they choose to do this. When faced with trials and very difficult things in life, it's easiest to blame and to get angry. Whether that anger and hatred be directed at someone close to you, God, or at your "life" in general, it's not the path we should take.

In Chinese, the symbol for "CRISES" actually means two things: "Danger" and "Opportunity".
These different meanings sum up exactly what I believe a family crises, or life crises in general, are meant to be. They are meant to scare us and to break us down, so that we do become more humble and submissive to those around us. When we let this take place, we're opening the doors of opportunity for grown and bonding within not only ourselves, but those people closest to us.
Whenever you stay by a friend's side through  a hard time, that tie and bond grows stronger, right?
That's the same way that it is with families and with God- they are ALWAYS there for you, and thus it's important to use the opportunities given through hard times and trials to grow stronger and closer.

Sometimes, when we take a step back and humbly look at the trial, we realize that they really aren't such bad things happening to us. Rather, look at them as the marvelous opportunity to grow and become stronger. Fight to get through it, and fight together to stay together- because that is where the most unity and bonding can take place: together.

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